Goseq #

A tool for generating sequence diagrams from a text-based DSL.

$ goseq << _EOF_ > example.svg
Client->Server: Make request
Server->Database: Make database\nrequest
Database->Server: The result
Server->Client: The response


Synopsis #

Goseq is a command line tool which generates UML sequence diagrams from a text based DSL. The sequence diagrams outline the participants and the sequence of interactions among them. The goseq tool will take care of laying everything out, and producing the diagram as a SVG image.

Goseq takes it’s inspiration from js-sequence-diagram and websequencediagram.

Download #

If you have Go, Goseq can be built from source by running the following command:

go install github.com/lmika/goseq@latest

Prebuilt binaries for Windows and Linux are also available.

Finally, the source code can be found on Github.